Tell Shaq: Go One-On-One With EFF's Privacy Experts
Share EFF’s “highlight videos” about how Ring’s law enforcement partnerships are endangering communities! You can help EFF dunk on surveillance by telling @Shaq to sit down with EFF's privacy experts and learn more about how these Ring partnerships are #NothingButDragnet. Click below to tweet!
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In just a year and a half, Amazon’s Ring has set up more than 500 partnerships with law enforcement agencies to convince communities to spy on themselves through doorbell cameras and its social app, Neighbors. The company is moving recklessly fast with little regard for the long-term risks of this mass surveillance technology. These partnerships threaten free speech and the well-being of communities, vastly expand police surveillance, undermine trust between police and residents, and enable racial profiling by exacerbating suspicion and paranoia.
So far, Amazon has not committed to making any changes. But we think one person at Ring might listen: basketball legend Shaquille O’Neal.
Shaq has been a spokesperson and co-owner of Ring since 2016, and has been nearly as much a public face of the company as its CEO, Jamie Siminoff. EFF would like to sit down with Shaq to discuss how Ring’s partnerships with police can actually end up harming the communities that the company hopes to keep safe.
If we wanted to learn how to dunk, we would go to Shaq. Before he promotes the sale of cameras that surveil neighborhoods indiscriminately, Shaq should come to the experts. Shaq, sit down with us and learn how these partnerships turn our neighborhoods into vast, unaccountable surveillance networks.
Tell Shaq to Go one-on-one with EFF
Shaq: the ball’s in your court now.
We'd like to thank the Ella Hill Hutch Center for allowing us to film portions of this video in their gym.
- Music: “I Am Running with Temporary Success from a Monstrous Vacuum in Pursuit,” by Chris Zabriskie, CC BY 4.0
- Music: “City Jaunt,” by Jay Man - OurMusicBox
- Music: "Future Gladiator," by Kevin MacLeod, CC BY 3.0
- Sound Effect: "Whip" by Mike Koenig, CC BY 3.0
- Sound Effect: "TV Static" by Mike Koenig, CC BY 3.0