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EFFecting Change Livestream Series: Is There Hope for Social Media?

Deeplinks Blog

Deeplinks Blog

The Twelve Days of EFF

We'd like to share this animated holiday greeting titled the 12 Days of EFF to celebrate the season and thank our friends and supporters for a good year in the fight for digital rights.

Thanks and happy holidays!

Celebrate EFF's 18th Birthday Party with DJ Spooky

Come celebrate EFF's 18th year of defending digital rights with our biggest bash yet!

Music from:

DJ Spooky, NYC's infamous illbient maestroBootie, SF's resident mashup party pioneers Adrian and Mysterious DKid Kameleon, copyfighter and genre-blending Surya Dub residentTones andQubitsu, EFF's own resident DJs
Party with us from 8 p.m....

Jewelry Company Quest to Expand Trademark Law Could Quash Internet Commerce

San Francisco - The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) along with Public Citizen and Public Knowledge urged a U.S. court of appeals Wednesday to reject jewelry-maker Tiffany's attempt to rewrite trademark law and create new barriers for online commerce and communication.
Tiffany sued the online marketplace eBay, claiming that eBay...

Creativity and Innovation issue banner, a colorful graphical representation of a light bulb

Remixers, Unlockers, Jailbreakers, Oh My!

Yesterday, EFF filed petitions (1, 2) with the Copyright Office seeking DMCA exemptions for three categories of activities that do not violate copyright laws, but that are still jeopardized by the DMCA's ban on bypassing technical protection measures used to control access to copyrighted works (i.e, DRM)....


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