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EFFecting Change Livestream Series: Is There Hope for Social Media?

Deeplinks Blog

Deeplinks Blog

NOVA May 29th

Secrets in Your Data with NOVA

NOVA and PBS (not EFF) will host this event. EFF's Hayley Tsukayama will be speaking.Secrets in Your DataWhether you’re on social media or surfing the web, you’re probably sharing more personal data than you realize. That can pose...

Nompilo Simanje photo

Speaking Freely : Nompilo Simanje

Nompilo Simanje is a lawyer by profession and is the Africa Advocacy and Partnerships Lead at the International Press Institute. She leads the IPI Africa Program which monitors and collects data on press freedom threats and violations across the continent, including threats to journalists’ safety and gendered attacks against journalists...
How to Fix the Internet - Chancey Fleet - Building a Tactile Internet

Podcast Episode: Building a Tactile Internet

Blind and low-vision people have experienced remarkable gains in information literacy because of digital technologies, like being able to access an online library offering more than 1.2 million books that can be translated into text-to-speech or digital Braille. But it can be a lot harder to come by an accessible...

EFF Zine on Surveillance Tech at the Southern Border Shines Light on Ever-Growing Spy Network

SAN FRANCISCO—Sensor towers controlled by AI, drones launched from truck-bed catapults, vehicle-tracking devices disguised as traffic cones—all are part of an arsenal of technologies that comprise the expanding U.S surveillance strategy along the U.S.-Mexico border, revealed in a new EFF zine for advocates, journalists, academics, researchers, humanitarian aid workers, and...


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