Kevin Bankston, EFF Senior Staff Attorney and Lori Cranor, EFF Board Member, will be on panels at this Fordham Law Symposium which is free and open to the public. Panelists will discuss law and policy with respect to mobile devices as public values shift.
Lori Cranor will be on the first panel of the day, "Evolving Values Regarding Locational Privacy," a discussion about privacy concerns as people turn over access to more and more data in order to use the technology.
When: March 25, 2011
9:30-11 .m.
Kevin Bankston will join the panel discussion of "Shifting Standards for Law Enforcement and Government Access to Location Data," which will include a discussion on what constitutes a reasonable expectation of privacy.
When: March 25, 2011
11:15 – 12:45
Where: Fordham Law School
140 West 62nd Street, Room 05B
New York, NY 10023