Jillian York, EFF's Director for International Freedom of Expression, joins a Plenary Panel in the Hart Auditorium on Wednesday afternoon, June 15, speaking on "MENA Beyond Stereotypes: Technology of Good and Evil Before, During and After Revolutions."
EFF Senior Staff Attorney Lee Tien will be a panelist discussing "The Future is Now - The Smart Grid: Should it Mean Living in a Glasshouse?"on Thursday afternoon, June 16, also in the Hart Auditorium.
On Thursday afternoon, June 16, EFF Activism Director Rainey Reitman joins a panel discussing "Airport Security: Privacy and Constitutional Implications."
This year's conference features keynote speakers Cameron F. Kerry, danah boyd, Sami Ben Gharbia, Bruce Schneier, and Allesandro Acquisti.
Jillian York:
June 15, 3:50-5:30, Hart Auditorium
Lee Tien:
June 16, 12:30-1:45, Hart Auditorium
Rainey Reitman:
June 16, 2:45-3:45, Room A
For conference information and registration fees:
*Early registration extended to 12:01 a.m. June 1, 2011
Where: Georgetown Law Center
600 New Jersey Avenue NW
Hart Auditorium
Washington, District of Columbia 20007-2196