Last Thursday, the best legal minds in the Bay Area gathered to participate in EFF's Seventh Annual Cyberlaw Pub Trivia Night. Over 110 lawyers and friends attended, making this our largest trivia night to date. Competition was fierce as teams put their heads together to test their knowledge of the legal minutiae occurring in the spaces where the law meets technology. Teams included representatives from a host of major technology law firms and Internet companies, representing the best and the brightest luminaries of cyberlaw. The seven rounds of questions were written collaboratively as EFF's attorneys, technologists and activists joined forces to pull trivial details from the rich canon of privacy, free speech, and intellectual property law with sections focusing on patents, Supreme Court oral arguments, and NSA programs.
Please join us in congratulating this year's trivia masterminds:
1st Place: The Heartbleeders (Lila Bailey, Cathy Gellis, Eric Goldman, Marcia Hofmann, Jonathan Mayer, Ridder, Costa, and Johnstone LLP; Julie Samuels)

3rd Place: Forget Me Nots (Google)
Honorable Mention: At 4th place, the EFF interns tied as the highest ranked team of EFF interns in the history of this event.
EFF’s Cyberlaw Pub Trivia Night is an important opportunity for us to thank our friends in the legal community who help protect online freedom in the courts. Among the many firms that continue to dedicate their time, talent and resources to the cause, we would especially like to thank Durie Tangri and Ridder, Costa, and Johnstone LLP for sponsoring this year’s Trivia Night.
Extra thanks to Jonathan Zittrain for his live reading of quotes in the “JZ v. Jay-Z” round, where participants heard a series of quotes and had to pick whether they were originally said by him or rapper Jay-Z.
(For another recap of the evening, check out Eric Goldman's blog and pictures. Thanks, Eric!)