Armed with a passion for justice, EFF members stand for privacy and free speech on our thriving Internet, even when it means speaking out against powerful governments and corporations. We’re reclaiming digital freedom, and we want you to join us.
In the past year, hundreds of thousands of concerned supporters made the case for a better digital future by educating others and using EFF's member-funded outreach tools. Together, we took the message to the streets with activist workshops, lobby days, and even an historic rally to end mass surveillance in Washington, DC. Substantive change demands vision, expertise, and tenacity—values brought to life by the support of EFF's dedicated members worldwide. Be a part of that effort.

If you aren't an EFF member yet, I urge you to join us this year to support the programs, legal work, and activism that have made this organization one of the most influential voices in digital civil liberties debates. If you are a member, then you know that the movement to protect civil liberties requires every one of us, so please consider reaching out to your peers. Membership contributions—no matter the amount—help us all fight for a sane future for users, innovators, and creators everywhere. Join EFF today.
EFF is a US 501(C)(3) nonprofit organization and donations are tax deductible as allowed by law. Learn about more ways to contribute to EFF on our supporters page. If you have questions, contact us at