This holiday season, for every $10 you donate to EFF, you can receive one BookMooch point, worth one free book of your choice, from BookMooch founder and EFF board member John Buckman! Just join BookMooch and then email the receipt of your donation here to redeem your points. (You can find John Buckman's official announcement on the Bookmooch blog.)
BookMooch is a community built around exchanging used books -- it's completely non-commercial and costs nothing to join or use. Members list books that they are willing to exchange, list books that they want to receive, and earn points based on their participation. You get one BookMooch point when you send someone else a book; you spend one BookMooch point when you "mooch" (receive) a book from another member. Take advantage of this promotion to get some free books while supporting EFF and the ongoing fight for digital civil liberties!