Join EFF on Friday to learn the inside story on social media and the Arab Spring!
How important are social networking tools like Twitter and Facebook for international activists fighting for their liberty? Are these networks forging a new international power structure? Tunisian activist Sami Ben Gharbia will join us for a special Geek Gathering to recount the role of social media in the Tunisian revolution. Sami's presentation and community dialogue will be hosted by Jillian York, EFF's new Director for International Freedom of Expression, with special guest Sachin Agarwal, founder of Posterous, the information sharing website Sami used extensively during the revolution.
This all ages event will be held at EFF's future headquarters in the heart of San Francisco's Mission District nightlife. Come see our new home for online rights!
EFF's Future Headquarters
2567 Mission Street
San Francisco, CA 94110
We ask for a $25 contribution, but no one will be turned away for lack of funds. EFF member admission is $20 online or at the door with your Member Card. Contact for the Members-Only link!
About Sami Ben Gharbia
Sami is a Tunisian anti-censorship activist and blogger based in the Netherlands. He is the co-founder of, a Tunisian award-winning collective blog about news and politics. Sami serves as Advocacy Director for Global Voices, where he also works on Threatened Voices, a recently developed initiative of the Global Voices Advocacy project. He is the author of a French-language book titled Journey in a Hostile World, which documents his escape from Tunisia.