EFF would like to thank the contest entrants and the numerous team supporters for making our second annual DEF CON Getaway Contest a success! Together, we've surpassed last year's competition with a participant total of $7,542.04 for online rights defense — great work! This year, the battle for supremacy continued to the very end. Without further ado, here are this year's top contest fundraisers:
Grand Prize Winner: Team ISD Podcast!
Congratulations! You've won a standard suite at the Rio Hotel and Casino, two DEF CON 19 Human badges, two tickets to Vegas 2.0's (in)famous kickoff party theSummit, two badges for the ultra-exclusive Ninja Networks Party, two passes to the iSEC Partners party, AND an EFF Swag Super Pack!
Second Place Winner: Team ArtC!
Well done! Art will receive two DEF CON 19 Human badges, two tickets to the Vegas 2.0 Party, two passes to the iSEC Partners party, and an EFF Swag Super Pack!
Third Place Winner: Team Holy Handgrenades!
WOOT! HH will receive one DEF CON 19 Human badge, one ticket to the Vegas 2.0 Party, two passes to the iSEC Partners party, and an EFF Swag Super Pack!
And that's not all! We will award an exclusive EFF DEF CON 19 t-shirt to ALL fundraising captains who raised more than $300! This limited run of 325 shirts will only be available to DEF CON 19 Getaway Contest participants, and on site in Las Vegas this summer! Specially designed for DEF CON by Joe Alterio of the very creative charity, Robots & Monsters, this year's shirt plays with the plain text truth that encryption saves lives. All prize winners will be contacted via email.
EFF depends on your financial support and personal action to sustain this meaningful work. On behalf of the entire EFF team, thank you.
Thanks to our DEF CON Getaway Contest Prize Donors:
- Dark Tangent and DEF CON
- Vegas 2.0
- Ninja Networks
- iSEC Partners