EFF's NSA Spying design is back by popular demand. This spot-on graphic depicts the National Security Agency's glowering red-eyed eagle using his talons to illegally plug into Americans' telecommunications system with the help of telecom giant AT&T. Show your support for EFF's fight against warrantless surveillance with the new NSA Spying zip-up hooded sweatshirt! Get your hoodie as a free gift when you become a Titanium level member or for a limited time at EFF's online shop.
Your continuing support allows EFF to seek justice and accountability. Just last week, EFF filed its next brief in its persistent battle to stop the U.S. government's mass warrantless collection of emails, phone calls, and customer records of ordinary Americans and the next hearing is December 14 in San Francisco. Join us and help spread the word — and look slick while doing it. Stop the secrecy. Stop the spying.