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EFFecting Change Livestream Series: Is There Hope for Social Media?

Deeplinks Blog

Deeplinks Blog

Sensible Data Retention Policies Help Prevent RIAA Harassment

The latest development in the RIAA's long-running filesharing shakedown campaign--demanding colleges and universities forward "pre-litigation" settlement offers to their students--has placed academic institutions in an untenable position. If they don't pass on the letters or even make them available to students, they are arguably harming those students by depriving them...

Mossberg on the DMCA

I don't always agree with the Wall Street Journal's Walt Mossberg, but his latest video missive (there is a print version, too) hits the nail right on the head:
"What we need is a new law from Congress, a law written from the perspective of the consumer...

Free Speech banner, an colorful graphic representation of a megaphone

Key Internet Censorship Law Struck Down Again

The ACLU, EFF, and a coalition of plaintiffs achieved a victory for online free speech today when U.S. District Court Judge Lowell Reed ruled [PDF] today that a key Web censorship law violated the First Amendment and issued an order permanently blocking its enforcement.
Passed in 1998, the...

Free Speech Battle Over Online Parody of 'Colbert Report'

MoveOn, Brave New Films Sue Viacom For Illegal Takedown of YouTube Video San Francisco - The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) asked a federal court today to protect the free speech rights of Civic Action and Brave New Films after their satirical send-up of "The Colbert Report" was removed from...

IPRED2 after the Committee

When it was sold to politicians in Brussels, the pitch for the directive on
criminal measures aimed at enforcing IP rights in Europe (IPRED2), was all
about commercial piracy and counterfeit goods that endanger health and safety.
The reality has turned out quite different. The current draft...

Bestselling Author Critiques Intellectual Property

If you're an independent filmmaker or dramatist, you may not have many chances to adapt the works of popular fiction writers. Intellectual property law doesn't make it easy, and the licensing fees alone can make approaching big name authors prohibitively expensive.
Jonathan Lethem, however, is one author who is...

Join EFF at 16th Annual Pioneer Awards at ETech

Ceremony in San Diego Features Debate Between Mark Cuban, Fred von Lohmann San Diego - Please join the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) for the 16th Annual Pioneer Awards, presented in conjunction with the O'Reilly Emerging Technology Conference in San Diego. The ceremony will be held at 7:30pm, March 27th, in...

Key Vote on EU Criminal Sanctions Directive Going Ahead Amidst Secrecy

The European Parliament's Legal Affairs Committee (JURI) meets today in Brussels to vote on the proposed EU Directive on Criminal Measures aimed at ensuring the enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights. The proposed Directive requires the 27 EU Member States to impose criminal sanctions for all intentional infringements of Intellectual Property...

Privacy issue banner, a colorful graphical representation of a padlock

GoDaddy, Get a Backbone and Protect Your Users' Rights

A few weeks back, we wrote about how domain name registrar GoDaddy took offline based merely on an informal request and without providing any meaningful notice to the site's operator. Unfortunately, this isn't the only instance in which GoDaddy has carelessly ignored its users' rights.
In February,...


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