Nominations are now open for EFF’s 23rd Annual Pioneer Awards, to be presented this fall in San Francisco. EFF established the Pioneer Awards in 1992 to recognize leaders on the electronic frontier who are extending freedom and innovation in the realm of information technology. Nominations are open until midnight on Wednesday, July 2. Nominate the next Pioneer Award winner today!

What does it take to be a Pioneer? There are no specific categories, but nominees must have contributed substantially to the health, growth, accessibility, or freedom of computer-based communications. Their contributions may be technical, social, legal, academic, economic or cultural. This year’s Pioneers will join an esteemed group of past award winners that includes late visionary activist Aaron Swartz, Tunisian citizen media community, and open-source pioneer Limor "Ladyada" Fried, among many remarkable journalists, entrepreneurs, public interest attorneys, and others.

The Pioneer Award ceremony is generously sponsored by individuals and companies that support digital civil liberties. To learn more about how you can sponsor the Pioneer Awards, or if you'd like to receive updates about the event, including ticket information, please email Nicole at

Remember, nominations are due no later than midnight on Wednesday, July 2! Then, after you nominate your favorites, we hope you will join us this fall (date tbd) in San Francisco to celebrate the work of this year’s winners.