This analysis is based on the latest draft of the U.N. Cybercrime Treaty (Rev 3) or before, and highlights its potential risks to free expression and misuse.The draft UN Cybercrime Convention was supposed to help tackle serious online threats like ransomware attacks, which cost billions of dollars in damages every...
The Texas settlement is welcome, but it also highlights the need to give consumers their own private right of action to enforce consumer data privacy laws.
The proposed UN Cybercrime Treaty puts security researchers and journalists at risk of being criminally prosecuted for their work identifying and reporting computer system vulnerabilities, work that keeps the digital ecosystem safer for everyone.The proposed text fails to exempt security research from the expansive scope of its cybercrime...
As UN delegates sat down in New York this week to restart negotiations, calls are mounting from all corners—from the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) to Big Tech—to add critical human rights protections to, and fix other major flaws in, the proposed UN surveillance treaty, which as...
EFF’s Certbot is now installed on over 4 million web servers, where it’s used to maintain HTTPS certificates for more than 31 million websites. The recent achievement of these milestones helps show the success of the project and the important role it plays in the infrastructure of a secure...
The Senate just passed a bill that will let the federal and state governments investigate and sue websites that they claim cause kids mental distress. Don't let politicians and bureaucrats decide what people should read and view online.
The proposed UN Cybercrime Convention dangerously undermines human rights, opening the door to unchecked cross-border surveillance and government overreach. Despite two and a half years of negotiations, the draft treaty authorizes extensive surveillance powers without robust safeguards, omitting essential data protection principles. This risks turning international efforts to fight cybercrime...
In a letter to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) last week, Senators Ron Wyden and Edward Markey urged the FTC to investigate several car companies caught selling and sharing customer information without clear consent. Alongside details previously gathered from reporting by The New York Times, the letter also...
Join us for EFF Tech Trivia at DEF CON 32 on Saturday, August 10 at 18:30! EFF's team of technology experts have crafted challenging trivia about the fascinating, obscure, and trivial aspects of digital security, online rights, and internet culture. Competing teams...
A Convenção proposta para Crime Cibernético da ONU é um extenso pacto de vigilância que impõe medidas intrusivas de vigilância doméstica e exige a cooperação dos estados em vigilância e compartilhamento de dados. Exige que os estados ajudem um ao outro em investigações e processos de crimes cibernéticos, permitindo a...
Os tratados internacionais da ONU não estão normalmente no radar de utilizadores. São discutidos, muitas vezes ao longo de muitos anos, por diplomatas e funcionários governamentais em Viena ou Nova Iorque, e o seu significado é muitas vezes ignorado ou desconhecido na enxurrada de informações e notícias que recebemos todos...
هذا هو الجزء الأول من سلسلة مستمرة.إن تورط الحكومة في تعديل المحتوى يثير مخاوف خطيرة بشأن حقوق الإنسان في كل سياق. منذ السابع من أكتوبر/ تشرين الأول، تعرضت منصات التواصل الاجتماعي للتحد بسبب عمليات الإزالة غير المبررة للمحتوى المؤيد للفلسطينيين/ات - أحيانًا بناءً على طلب الحكومة الإسرائيلية -...
EFF is excited to be at TechCrunch Disrupt for the first time! We'll be in the Expo Hall, where you can stop by the EFF booth to chat with our team and learn about the latest developments in defending digital freedom for all. You can even grab some of...
SAN FRANCISCO—The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) is honored to announce that Carolina Botero, Connecting Humanity, and 404 Media will receive the 2024 EFF Awards for their vital work in ensuring that technology supports freedom, justice, and innovation for all people. The EFF Awards recognize specific and substantial technical, social, economic,...