Join us at the 24th annual Pioneer Awards to celebrate those who fight to clear the way for online freedom!
Next Thursday, we'll gather in San Francisco to proudly honor this year's winners: late international privacy expert Caspar Bowden, global human rights and security researchers The Citizen Lab, international internet access champions Anriette Esterhuysen and the Association for Progressive Communications, and digital community advocate Kathy Sierra. Learn more about the exciting accomplishments of the 2015 honorees at
The ceremony also features a special conversation with journalist Kashmir Hill and whistleblower Edward Snowden, to be recorded prior to the ceremony and presented the evening of the event. Kashmir Hill is a senior editor at Fusion's Real Future and has reported extensively on the future's proliferating clashes with our present, with stories about the NSA's data center in Utah, law enforcement body cams, Bitcoin, and more. Edward Snowden is the whistleblower whose courageous disclosures about the NSA's mass surveillance programs spurred worldwide awareness and inspired renewed urgency in the fight for privacy and digital rights.
Thursday, September 24, 2015
@ Delancey Street Town Hall
600 Embarcadero St., San Francisco, CA, 94107
6:00 p.m. Guest & Honoree Reception, 7:45 p.m. Awards Ceremony
A very limited number of tickets are on sale, so please join us for an evening of drinks, bytes, and excellent company! Tickets are $125 for current EFF members and $175 for general admission. For more information about the Pioneer Awards, please contact

Many thanks to our sponsors:
Automattic, No Starch Press, Facebook, O'Reilly Media, and Adobe Systems!