We are proud to announce the return of EFF's Badge Hack Pageant at the 24th annual DEF CON hacking conference in Las Vegas. EFF invites all DEF CON attendees to stretch their creative skills by reinventing past conference badges as practical, artful, and over-the-top objects of their choosing. The numerous 2015 pageant entries included a crocheted badge cozy, a quadcopter, counterfeit badges, a human baby, a breathalyzer, a dazzling array of LED shows, and more than one hand-made record player that would make MacGyver weep. We encourage you to join us and contribute something whether you are a crafter, a beginner, or a hardware hacking wizard. It's a great summer project so get started now and enjoy a great show!
Our esteemed judges Zoz, Joe "Kingpin" Grand, and 1o57 will decide the fate of contestants on Saturday, August 6 at noon on the main Contests, Villages, and Events stage.
The rules are simple...
1. Enter in one of three categories:
• DEF CON DIGITAL: Circuit board-based badge from DEF CON
• DEF CON ANALOG: Non-digital badge from DEF CON
• WILD CARD: Badge from any other hacker con
2. Get scored at DC24 by our panel of celebrity guest judges based upon these criteria:
• Originality
• Form
• Utility
• ¡X-FACTOR! (overall execution)
3. Identify the badge's origin and wear it around your neck during judging.
4. PROFIT!11!!1one!111 (in the form of bragging rights and gear, at least). EFF will name a winner in each category. Winners will receive special prizes and abundant glory.
There is no limit (except Johnny Law) to what you may add to enhance or embellish your entry. Get started on your entry today and please let us know which category you plan to enter. Be sure to sign up officially for the competition at EFF’s Contest booth in Las Vegas. Contestants must be present for the judging session on Saturday, August 6 at noon at the Bally's Las Vegas event center to win. EFF celebrates your ability to pwn what you own.
EFF is a member-funded nonprofit organization that has fought to protect digital privacy, free expression, and innovation for over 25 years. Our court work, activism, and tech projects aim to support individual rights worldwide. Consider donating to EFF at DEF CON or becoming an annual member today.