We’re pleased to announce our slick new app, an updated version of EFF Alerts.

Some of the key features:
- Receive push notifications for vital advocacy campaigns when your voice is needed most.
- Easily access all of the current advocacy campaigns available in EFF’s action center. You can email members of the U.S. Congress, call decision makers, tweet at companies, and take part in many other creative and impactful campaigns.
- Catch up on all the breaking tech policy news by reading Deeplinks in a mobile-friendly format. We go deep into the details of law and technology, while still connecting these issues back to core issues of individual privacy and free expression.
- The app is 100% free software. Of course.
Please note: if you have already installed the app, you may need to update it and then restart your phone.

Even if you are already signed up for EFFector, we urge you to also download the mobile app. We are aware that many of our users rely on third party email services, including Gmail, Yahoo Mail, and others. These companies can set arbitrary policies about how to display incoming mail, which means that it is possible that important updates from EFF could end up in a ‘bulk’ mail or spam folder – or never be delivered at all. While currently EFF mailings are getting through on all the email providers we’ve checked, we recognize that it’s useful to have multiple ways of connecting with our members in case we see future corporate censorship. That’s why we urge folks to download the app, connect with us on Twitter, subscribe to our RSS feeds, and follow us on Facebook. By connecting with EFF on multiple platforms, you can help safeguard against future attempts to censor or hide EFF messages.
The first EFF Alerts app was really simple, allowing push notifications that let you know when your rights are in jeopardy. The new version of the app does this and more. We’ve added a beautiful interface for accessing the EFF Deeplinks blog. We also gave users the option of accessing all of the available action alerts, and dismissing actions they didn’t want to see anymore. You can also go into settings and turn off push notifications.
This new version of the app was made possible by Paul Andrew, a volunteer web developer who helped build this new version out of the kindness of his heart and a deep commitment to the future of a free and open Internet. We’ve added him to our Volunteer Technologists page. You can tweet a note of thanks to Paul at @paujaman. You can join developers like Paul who help protect privacy, security, and freedom of speech by contributing to an EFF tech project.
Note that EFF Alerts is available to people worldwide. While some of our action alerts are U.S. specific, we strive to have an international option available for most push notifications. So, no matter where you are, please download!
Users will notice that there’s only an Android version of this app available. When we launched the initial version of the app, we did not make a version of the app available on iPhone for a number of reasons. We have since heard from many EFF members who are frustrated that there is no version available for iPhone. We hear you, and we’re discussing what we can do to meet your needs. In the meantime, the entire EFF action center is mobile friendly on Apple products and other devices.
Download the EFF Alerts mobile app today, and get ready to take action toward a freer digital future.