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Deeplinks Blog

social media icon speaking about refugees, with war image background

الفصل العنصري الرقمي في غزة : تعديل المحتوى بشكل غير عادل بناء على طلب الوحدة السيبرانية اإلسرائيلية

هذا هو الجزء الأول من سلسلة مستمرة.إن تورط الحكومة في تعديل المحتوى يثير مخاوف خطيرة بشأن حقوق الإنسان في كل سياق. منذ السابع من أكتوبر/ تشرين الأول، تعرضت منصات التواصل الاجتماعي للتحد بسبب عمليات الإزالة غير المبررة للمحتوى المؤيد للفلسطينيين/ات - أحيانًا بناءً على طلب الحكومة الإسرائيلية -...

EFF at TechCrunch Disrupt

EFF is excited to be at TechCrunch Disrupt for the first time! We'll be in the Expo Hall, where you can stop by the EFF booth to chat with our team and learn about the latest developments in defending digital freedom for all. You can even grab some of...

EFF Awards text on circuitboard texture

Electronic Frontier Foundation to Present Annual EFF Awards to Carolina Botero, Connecting Humanity, and 404 Media

SAN FRANCISCO—The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) is honored to announce that Carolina Botero, Connecting Humanity, and 404 Media will receive the 2024 EFF Awards for their vital work in ensuring that technology supports freedom, justice, and innovation for all people. The EFF Awards recognize specific and substantial technical, social, economic,...

A multi-colored bullhorn icon surrounded by grey-blue hexagons

Supreme Court Dodges Key Question in Murthy v. Missouri and Dismisses Case for Failing to Connect The Government’s Communication to Specific Platform Moderation

We don’t know a lot more about when government jawboning social media companies—that is, attempting to pressure them to censor users’ speech— violates the First Amendment; but we do know that lawsuits based on such actions will be hard to win. In Murthy v. Missouri, the U.S. Supreme...

hands with circuit patterns in LGBTQ+ flag colors

L'EFF et ses partenaires internationaux appellent les délégués de l'UE à contribuer à corriger les failles du projet de traité des Nations Unies sur la cybercriminalité qui peuvent porter atteinte au cadre de protection des données de l'UE

Como a sessão final de negociação para aprovar o tratado de crimes cibernéticos da ONU acontecerá em apenas alguns dias, a EFF e 21 organizações da Sociedade Civil Internacional hoje apelam urgentemente aos delegados dos estados da UE e à Comissão Europeia que corrigem as muitas falhas da Convenção, que...

an eye covers a globe in multi-hued background

A Proposta Convenção da ONU sobre Cibercrime expande de forma perigosa os poderes de vigilância estatal sem privacidade robusta ou salvaguardas de proteção de dados

Este é o terceiro artigo em uma série destacando falhas na Proposta Convenção da ONU sobre Cibercrime. Confira na Parte I, nossa análise detalhada sobre a criminalização de atividades de pesquisa de segurança e na Parte II, uma análise das salvaguardas dos direitos humanos. Enquanto aproximamos da sessão de...

EFF logo with a crowned DEF CON skull in the middle.


EFF's excited to be back for another DEF CON with a membership booth in the Vendor area, a contest, and a bunch of talks. Be sure to catch us at the world's largest annual hacker convention in Las Vegas from August 8-11!Join the CauseCome find us in Vendor Hall...

EFF at BSides Las Vegas

Once again, EFF is excited to be back at the Tuscany Suites & Casino for a spooky BSides Las Vegas. Come see us at the annual infosec and hacker conference from August 6-August 7!Stop by the EFF booth to chat with some of our team and learn about the...


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