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EFFecting Change Livestream Series: Is There Hope for Social Media?

Deeplinks Blog

Deeplinks Blog

EFF Speakeasy: Berlin

Join EFF's Director for International Freedom of Expression, Jillian York, and local online rights supporters for a Speakeasy meetup on Thursday, June 27 in Berlin! Raise a glass and discover EFF's latest work defending digital freedom online.This event is a free, casual gathering to give you...

Encrypt the Web (security hole)

A Wider View on TunnelVision and VPN Advice

If you listen to any podcast long enough, you will almost certainly hear an advertisement for a Virtual Private Network (VPN). These advertisements usually assert that a VPN is the only tool you need to stop cyber criminals, malware, government surveillance, and online tracking. But these advertisements vastly oversell the...

Transparency issue banner, a colorful graphic of a magnifying lens over some paper folders

NETMundial+10 Multistakeholder Statement Pushes for Greater Inclusiveness in Internet Governance Processes

A new statement about strengthening internet governance processes emerged from the NETMundial +10 meeting in Brazil last month, strongly reaffirming the value of and need for a multistakeholder approach involving full and balanced participation of all parties affected by the internet—from users, governments, and private companies to civil society, technologists,...

Ethan Zuckerman photo

Speaking Freely: Ethan Zuckerman

Ethan Zuckerman is a professor at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst, where he teaches Public Policy, Communication and Information. He is starting a new research center called the Institute for Digital Public Infrastructure. Over the years, he’s been a tech startup guy (with, a non-profit founder ( and...
How to Fix the Internet - Alex Winter - Chronicling Online Communities

Podcast Episode: Chronicling Online Communities

From Napster to YouTube, some of the most important and controversial uses of the internet have been about building community: connecting people all over the world who share similar interests, tastes, views, and concerns. Big corporations try to co-opt and control these communities, and politicians often promote scary narratives about...


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