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EFFecting Change Livestream Series: Is There Hope for Social Media?

Deeplinks Blog

Deeplinks Blog

Strong Majority of Voters Oppose Telecom Immunity

The Melman Group, a national polling organization commissioned by the ACLU, recently published a poll finding that 57 percent of likely voters opposed immunity for the telecommunications carriers who participated in the government's warrantless surveillance program, while only a third supported letting the telecoms off the hook. The poll...

Filtering and Copyright Extension Fail to Find a Home in EU

The EU's CULT committee voted on the final form of its report on the Cultural Industries in Europe earlier today, and chose to listen to their constituents, not the music industry's lobbyists. Amendments proposing ISP filtering and blocking, as well as a last-minute request for an EU directive extending...

Time Warner Puts a Meter on the Internet

Time Warner Cable has confirmed that it will be rolling out metered pricing for Internet access in Beaumont, TX. Although the exact terms have apparently not been set, packages would reportedly offer between 5 gigabytes and 40 gigabytes a month, with the top plan costing roughly the same as...


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