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EFFecting Change Livestream Series: Is There Hope for Social Media?

Deeplinks Blog

Deeplinks Blog

California Pollworkers Told to Withhold Information from Voters

Santa Clara County, CA - Pollworkers in Santa Clara County are being trained not to offer voters a chance to use paper ballots instead of electronic voting machines, the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) has learned. California Secretary of State Kevin Shelley mandated in May that all polling places offer a...

Diebold Coughs Up Cash in Copyright Case

False Accusation of Infringement Results in Hefty Payment of Legal Fees, Damages California - The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) capped its historic victory in a copyright abuse case against electronic voting machine manufacturer Diebold today. The corporation agreed to pay $125,000 in damages and fees. The settlement, a win for...

Indymedia Servers Mysteriously Reappear, But Questions Remain

San Francisco, CA - Rackspace Managed Hosting, the San Antonio-based company that manages two Indymedia servers seized by the US government last Thursday, said yesterday that the servers have been returned and are now available to go back online. Immediate access to the servers, which host Indymedia's Internet radio station...

EFF Challenges Secret Government Order to Shut Down Media Websites

Seizure of Servers Hosting Indymedia Websites Violates the First Amendment San Francisco, CA -- The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) is representing a coalition of independent Internet journalists whose websites were shut down on Thursday, October 7, when their servers were seized by the FBI. The two servers, which were located...

Servers in UK Containing Indymedia Websites Seized by Government

United Kingdom - Acting under a court order, Texas-based web hosting company Rackspace Managed Hosting handed over two UK-based servers containing Indymedia websites to government agents yesterday morning. Indymedia is a collective of online journalists who maintain a network of independent news websites. The order was apparently issued by a...

EFF, Public Interest Groups Challenge Legality of the Broadcast Flag

Lawsuit Questions FCC's Authority to Mandate Copy Protection on All Hardware That Receives Digital TV Signals Washington, DC - When the Federal Communications Commission's (FCC) broadcast flag mandate goes into effect next year, it will be unlawful to sell devices that can tune in digital television without imposing copy protection...
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ACLU & Doe v. Ashcroft - the Good Bits

Last week brought an extraordinary victory for privacy and civil liberties: a federal district court struck down a key power under the Electronic Communications Privacy Act (ECPA) and the USA PATRIOT Act. Specifically, US District Court Judge Victor Marrero ruled that "National Security Letters" (NSLs) violate the Constitution.


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