The Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) is the world's largest and most successful annual charity campaign for U.S. federal employees and retirees. The pledge period for this year's campaign ends on January 14, 2023, and you can donate to support EFF's mission in fighting for digital freedoms for every internet user.
Donating to EFF through the CFC is easy! Just follow these steps:
- Go to or scan the QR code below.
- Click the DONATE button to give via payroll deduction, credit/debit, or an e-check.
- Be sure to type in our CFC ID #10437.
If you have a renewing pledge from a previous year, you can also follow these steps to increase your support!

U.S. federal employees raised over $34,000 for EFF through last year's CFC campaign. That support has helped EFF pull off some serious victories this year, including pushing San Francisco to ban the use of remote-controlled killer robots, working with Congress to pass the Safe Connections Act (which is now law), and keeping the JCPA "link tax" bill out of must-pass U.S. military legislation.
Support from federal employees has a tremendous impact on the work that EFF can do. We couldn't keep up these fights and secure these victories without your help. Support EFF today by using our CFC ID #10437 when you make a pledge!