Let me be frank: it’s always security week at EFF! But this week is extra special. EFF will take flight to the Las Vegas hacker summer camp conferences—BSidesLV, Black Hat USA and DEF CON 31—to rally behind computer security researchers and tinkerers. Whether you're on the ground in Vegas or online, I hope you'll support the digital rights movement as an EFF member this week.

EFF’s activists, technologists, and lawyers fight so you can use technology on your own terms. Wrongheaded tech policies endanger your rights to communicate privately and securely, and to express yourself creatively on the web. But you’ll help protect these rights for everyone when you become an EFF supporter.


Support internet freedom with a Gold Level membership and (for a short time!) you can choose EFF’s DEF CON 31 t-shirt design. Eagle eyes will discover the path to an online puzzle there. And our team would like to thank @aaronsteimle@0xCryptoK@detective_6, and jabberw0nky of the Muppet Liberation Front for collaborating on this member t-shirt and contributing a stellar puzzle design. Donate today or even set up a small automatic monthly donation.

Two people in black shirts with ravens in a red triangle

I call artist Hannah Diaz’s design The Unkindness, a term for a gathering of ravens. But it also refers to the cruelty of corporations and governments that impose surveillance and censorship on people. We can flock together and fight back through technology, policy, law, and yes, kindness. Help us build a better web when you join EFF.

Learn more about EFF's work at the Las Vegas summer security conferences! Check out this post for more information.

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