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EFFecting Change Livestream Series: Is There Hope for Social Media?

Deeplinks Blog

Deeplinks Blog

Macworld Editor's Pick for 2004: BitTorrent

We missed this last week, but it's worth noting: the editors of Macworld have given an "Editor's Choice" award to BitTorrent -- despite the fact that it's "championed" by pirates. Why? Editor-in-Chief Jason Snell explains:

[BitTorrent] is one of the most clever technologies we've seen in recent...

Can the FBI Monitor Your Web Browsing Without a Warrant?

EFF Demands Answers from DOJ about PATRIOT Act Surveillance Washington, DC - Today the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request with the FBI and other offices of the US Department of Justice, seeking the release of documents that would reveal whether the...

Texas Election System Examiners' Meetings Shrouded in Secrecy

Lawsuit Pushes for Public Access to Meetings Where E-voting Machines Are Evaluated Austin, TX - On January 19, a Texas court is scheduled to determine whether to force the state's voting examiners to open their meetings to the public. The ACLU of Texas and a Texas voter filed a lawsuit...

Will Blizzard Destroy the Future of Videogames?

Outcome of BnetD Case Could Eliminate Software that Extends the Gaming Experience Eighth Circuit - Yesterday the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) filed a brief in the Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals arguing that federal law forbids videogame corporation Blizzard from interfering with gamers' ability to create new products...

Sham Recount Process on Diebold E-voting Machines

Lawsuit Challenges Berkeley Election Officials in Measure R Recount Berkeley, CA - A close proposition referendum will come under court examination in a case that highlights major problems with conducting a recount using Diebold electronic voting machines. Berkeley Measure R, the Patient's Access to Medical Cannabis Act of 2004, lost...

Bad Apple

Macworld starts tomorrow, but Apple has been busy for weeks -- sending legal threats to a number of weblog publishers for posting information about new Apple products. EFF is representing two such publishers, AppleInsider and PowerPage, to defend bloggers' right to keep their sources secret:"Bloggers break the...

Apple Can't Strongarm Bloggers

EFF Defends Rights of Reporters Who Published Asteroid News Stories on Blogs Santa Clara, CA - Only weeks before Macworld, the nation's biggest annual trade show devoted to Apple products, Apple sent legal threats to the publishers of the Mac-centric weblogs AppleInsider and PowerPage for posting information about...

Music Industry Must Respect Privacy of Filesharers

Ruling in Charter Case Smashes DMCA Subpoena Powers The Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals issued a decision today that will stop entertainment corporations from gaining access to the names of people using peer-to-peer (P2P) networks unless the companies file lawsuits against them and furnish actual evidence of copyright infringement...

Grey Album Named Best of 2004

Entertainment Weekly has named DJ Dangermouse's Grey Album its favorite of 2004. Pretty good for a record that had no commercial distribution, wasn't played on mainstream radio, never came out on CD, and was the target of numerous cease and desist letters.
For any that missed the Grey...

EFF Joins Forces with Tor Software Project

Civil Liberties Group to Support Development of Anonymous Internet Communications System San Francisco - Today the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) announced that it is becoming a sponsor of Tor, a technology project that helps organizations and individuals engage in anonymous communication online. Tor is a network-within-a-network that protects communication...

EFF Becomes Omidyar Network Partner

San Francisco - The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) is pleased to announce that it has been funded by the Omidyar Network, an organization that invests to help catalyze social change. This investment represents a partnership between two groups sharing key values and beliefs, and, ultimately, the goal of making...


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