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EFFecting Change Livestream Series: Is There Hope for Social Media?

Deeplinks Blog

Deeplinks Blog

Google Books Settlement 2.0: Evaluating the Pros and Cons

This is the first in a series of posts evaluating the proposed Google Book Search settlement.When it announced its Book Search project in 2004, Google set for itself an inspiring and noble goal. In the words of Google CEO Eric Schmidt, "Imagine yourself at your computer and, in less...

More Freedom Necessary as Top Developers Abandon iPhone

UPDATE: Macworld reports that Apple has changed its mind and approved the "Bobble Rep" app, which is now available in the App Store.Apple's ridiculous iPhone app approval process has hit a new low, with rejections for “ridiculing public figures" and using Apple's own APIs to access Apple icons. These...

Keeping a Global Eye on Copyright Law

We spend a lot of our time at EFF trying to spot new proposals in copyright across the world, and understanding whether they're good or bad for civil liberties. We're not the only ones: our understanding depends on the work of hundreds of researchers worldwide who are constantly sifting through...

International Activists Launch New Website to Gather and Share Copyright Knowledge

San Francisco - The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF), Electronic Information for Libraries (, and other international copyright experts joined together today to launch Copyright Watch -- a public website created to centralize resources on national copyright laws at
"Copyright laws are changing across the world, and it's hard...

EFF Obtains Records from Behind-the-Scenes Negotiations on Telecom Immunity

San Francisco, CA - Today the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) posted thousands of pages of records detailing behind-the-scenes negotiations between government agencies and Congress about providing immunity for telecoms involved in illegal government surveillance.
The documents include drafts of legislation and communications between Congress and the Department of Justice...

EFF to Represent Yes Men in Court Battle Over Chamber of Commerce Action

San Francisco - The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) and Davis Wright Tremaine, LLP, will defend the Yes Men and other activists in a lawsuit filed against them by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce over political criticism of the Chamber's stance on climate change legislation.
In mid-October, the activists staged...

International issues banner, a colorful graphic of a globe

Convicted Murderer To Wikipedia: Shhh!

In 1990, Bavarian actor Walter Sedlmayr was brutally murdered. Two of his business associates were convicted, imprisoned for the crime, and recently paroled. Who killed Sedlmayr? It's a matter of public record, but if one of the men and his German law firm gets their way, Wikipedia (and EFF)...

Transparency issue banner, a colorful graphic of a magnifying lens over some paper folders

Reining in ACTA: Update and Call to Action

Last week saw the latest round of secret negotiations on ACTA, on criminal enforcement of IP, enforcement in the digital environment, and, according to one of the few public documents on the negotiations, ACTA's own "transparency". It's hard to imagine a more controversial set of IP topics -- and...


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