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EFFecting Change Livestream Series: Is There Hope for Social Media?

Deeplinks Blog

Deeplinks Blog

Free Speech banner, an colorful graphic representation of a megaphone

Publius, RIP?

EFF's own Fred von Lohmann has a monthly column at, and fortunately we have the freedom to publish these columns in their entirety here at the EFF website. This month's column is "Publius, RIP?" -- a look at why it's critically important to our society that we...

Texas Voting Forum Open to the Public

Public Comment Welcome at Feb. 28 Meeting About E-voting Machines Texas - The ACLU and the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) recently won a preliminary injunction in their lawsuit against the state of Texas concerning whether the Texas Open Meetings Act applies to voting technology certification meetings of the state's election...

Patent Threats Hurt Scientific Research

EFF Asks Court to Protect Academic and Competitive Studies Washington, DC - Three consumer advocacy groups including the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) asked the Supreme Court today to protect scientific researchers from patent-based legal threats. The case, Merck v. Integra, deals specifically with information researchers submitted to the Food and...

Online Journalists to Get Their Day in Court

Apple Agrees to Delay Subpoenas Until March 4 Hearing San Jose - After negotiations with the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF), Apple agreed on Friday to extend the deadline on a subpoena it issued to an online journalist's Internet service provider (ISP) until after a hearing that will determine whether the...
Free Speech banner, an colorful graphic representation of a megaphone

Legal Clarity for Bloggers

There are two laudable legislative efforts in the works that could help clarify that online journalists are entitled to the same rights and privileges as traditional print journalists.
The first is the national OPEN Government Act (S.394), introduced by Senator John Cornyn (R-Texas) and co-sponsor Senator Pat Leahy...

Apple Bites Students; the Woz Bites Back

People in the Apple community are upset about the company's legal action against three Canadian students who allegedly posted a developer build of MacOS 10.4 via BitTorrent. Now the publisher of DrunkenBlog has posted responses from 25 members of the Mac community -- including one from none other...

TV-Anytime Hubris

Our friends at TV-Anytime are unusually candid in their dirigisme. Their working group on business models claims the obligation to predict "every conceivable present and future way that [a technology] can be used." Now that's ambition.
You can find the statement in question on the Business Models...

EFF Warns Consumers About the Dangers of EULAs

New White Paper Outlines How Click-Through Agreements Erode Privacy, Fundamental Liberties San Francisco - Today the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) released a white paper warning consumers about how they can be harmed by end user license agreements (EULAs) for consumer electronics and online services. Many EULAs contain terms that...

RFID Tracking Pilot Program Ended in Sutter School

Victory for Students, Parents and Civil Liberties Groups NOTE: This is a press release from the ACLU of Northern California that EFF is passing along for your information. San Francisco - The Sutter-based company InCom announced last night, at a packed special school district meeting, that it would end its...

Dangerous Terms: A User's Guide to EULAs

February 2005
By Annalee Newitz
We've all seen them – windows that pop up before you install a new piece of software, full of legalese. To complete the install, you have to scroll through 60 screens of dense text and then click an "I Agree" button. Sometimes you...

Celebrate Innovation with EFF on Feb. 22

BayFF Event to Feature Cool Gizmo Demos, Discussion of Legal Threats to Inventors San Francisco - The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) invites the public to join EFF staff members next week in a discussion and celebration of high-tech innovation. The event is part of EFF's BayFF series and will...


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