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Deeplinks Blog

Thoughts on Google, YouTube

John Batelle over at SearchBlog was kind enough to invite me to do a short interview about a variety of Google and YouTube copyright questions. Among other subjects touched on, I opine that all the hand-wringing analysts fretting about the copyright implications of GooTube may have it backwards:So...

Federal Judge Refuses to Dismiss PATRIOT Act Case (Finally!)

After a wait of nearly three years, Judge Hood in the Eastern District of Michigan finally ruled yesterday on the government's request that the court dismiss a lawsuit brought by a group of Muslim and Arab-American associations challenging the constitutionality of PATRIOT Act Section 215. As you may recall, ...

Privacy issue banner, a colorful graphical representation of a padlock

Homeland Security Funds Media Surveillance Project

The New York Times reports that the Department of Homeland Security is funding the development of software to keep tabs on international publications expressing unfavorable views about the United States. According to the Times:
The new software would allow much more rapid and comprehensive monitoring of the...

EFF Sues for Information on Electronic Surveillance Systems

FBI Withholds Records on Tools to Intercept Personal Communications Washington, D.C. - The FLAG Project at the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) filed its first lawsuit against the Department of Justice Tuesday after the FBI failed to respond to a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for records concerning DCS-3000 and...

Who Killed TiVoToGo?

It's the latest digital media murder mystery: TiVo Series2's TiVoToGo enabled limited portability of recorded content to PCs and other devices, but the TiVo Series3 HD did not include this feature when recently released. In other words, if you want to upgrade to HD, you have to downgrade your...

Who Killed TiVoToGo?

Digital Cable and Satellite DRM Harms TV Fans and Innovators San Francisco - Digital Video Recorders (DVRs) have changed the way millions of people watch television. But the new TiVo Series 3 for HD lacks a feature that past versions have had -- TiVoToGo, which allows users to move recorded...


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