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EFFecting Change Livestream Series: Is There Hope for Social Media?

Deeplinks Blog

Deeplinks Blog

Corynne McSherry speaking at FTC DRM Town Hall

The Federal Trade Commission and the Technology Law and Public Policy Clinic at the University of Washington School of Law will host a conference on the use of digital rights management technologies, a widespread practice that is expected to become increasingly prevalent in the U.S. marketplace in the coming years.

Corynne McSherry speaking at SF IP Law Association

Staff Attorney Corynne McSherry will be speaking with the San Francisco Intellectual Property Law Association about "Copyright, Trademarks and Fair Use."
Wednesday, March 11, 2009. 12 noon - 1:15 pm (Lunch will be served)
DLA Piper LLP (US)
555 Mission Street, Suite 2400
San Francisco, CA

Seer Systems Threatens EFF with Defamation Lawsuit

Seer Systems, Inc. and Stanley Jungleib have issued a written litigation threat to EFF over statements made as part of EFF's Patent Busting Project. EFF responded today, noting that its discussions of Seer and Jungleib were protected by the First Amendment. Both letters are attached below.
The letter arrived...

EFF and ACLU Urge Court to Reject Warrantless GPS Tracking

Washington, D.C. - The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) and the American Civil Liberties Union of the National Capital Area (ACLU-NCA) urged a U.S. appeals court today to reject government claims that federal agents have an unfettered right to install Global Positioning System (GPS) location-tracking devices on anyone's car without a...

EFF Releases How-To Guide to Fight Government Spying

San Francisco - The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) launched its Surveillance Self-Defense project today -- an online how-to guide for protecting your private data against government spying. You can find the project at
EFF created the Surveillance Self-Defense site to educate Americans about the law and technology of...

White House Responds to Privacy Complaints?

This morning it seemed that complaints from EFF and other privacy advocates and journalists had apparently helped created a change in White House policy concerning the use of cookies and tracking technologies on We were ready to give kudos to the Obama Administration for listening to privacy advocates, something...


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