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Deeplinks Blog

Grey Album Named Best of 2004

Entertainment Weekly has named DJ Dangermouse's Grey Album its favorite of 2004. Pretty good for a record that had no commercial distribution, wasn't played on mainstream radio, never came out on CD, and was the target of numerous cease and desist letters.
For any that missed the Grey...

Supreme Court to Hear MGM v. Grokster

The US Supreme Court today granted certiorari in MGM v. Grokster. The Court will hear oral arguments in the case in March 2005. EFF represents one of the defendants in the case, StreamCast Networks, makers of the Morpheus P2P software application.
The copyright law principles set out in...

L'il Infringers

Our own Fred von Lohmann has a new column chronicling the misadventures of Marvel Comics as it seeks [PDF] to hold NCSoft Corp. and Cryptic Studios -- the operators of an online game called "City of Heroes" -- liable for the alleged copyright and trademark infringement...

Free Speech banner, an colorful graphic representation of a megaphone

Slinging Spam - Point/Counterpoint

There have been a lot of interesting responses to our latest white paper on spam. We appreciate the feedback, and in response, we've complied a list of issues you've raised and provided our replies. We hope this helps clarify EFF's position on some of the more tricky questions in...

Blogging WIPO: Day 3

Today at WIPO saw a flat-out disgraceful cooking of the deliberative process. The administrators of the meeting -- the chair and secretariat -- are pushing hard to make this treaty pass, even if no one wants it to. The solution to the deadlock is "regional meetings" in which countries that...

Omnibus Intellectual Property Bill Would Harm Public Interest

The first problem with the omnibus intellectual property bill barreling through Congress's lame duck session this week is figuring out what's in it. That's because the bill is a ragtag collection of old bills from special interest backers who couldn't get them through during Congress's ordinary session. So now, they're...

WIPO: EFF statement on "limitations and exceptions"

Tomorrow, I'm scheduled to take the floor and give an "intervention" (WIPO-speak for "talking") on a killer proposal from Chile for a harmonized set of limitations and exceptions to benefit the disabled, educators and archivists. What this means is that every country would have a core set of public rights...

Letter to WIPO on stolen EFF documents

Let me try to convey to you the depth of the weirdness that arose when all the public-interest groups' papers were stolen and trashed at WIPO. No one gets into the WIPO building without being accredited and checked over, so this was almost certainly someone who was working on the...

Blogging WIPO, Day 2

Here's today's notes from WIPO -- what a doozy. Luckily, we had the largest-ever coalition of public-interest activsts in the building, which meant that three or four of us could collaborate on the note taking while other lobbied, prepped presentations, and stood guard over the literature table, whence malefactors unknown...

Blogging WIPO

I've been at the UN's World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) for the past two days, in Geneva, Switzerland, attending the negotiations over the Broadcasting Treaty, which has the power to lock up the public domain and break the web. There's a bunch of us copyfighters here, and we're methodically noting...

EFF Fights for a Better WIPO

For years, progressive groups like the Consumer Project on Technology (CPTech) have struggled to convince the UN's World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) to rethink its "IP Uber Alles" philosophy -- that is, the pursuit of maximal intellectual property protection for its own sake, regardless of the human, cultural,...


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