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EFFecting Change Livestream Series: Is There Hope for Social Media?

Deeplinks Blog

Deeplinks Blog

White House Responds to Privacy Complaints?

This morning it seemed that complaints from EFF and other privacy advocates and journalists had apparently helped created a change in White House policy concerning the use of cookies and tracking technologies on We were ready to give kudos to the Obama Administration for listening to privacy advocates, something...

DOJ Releases Secret Bush Era OLC Memos

Today, the Obama Administration released nine previously secret legal documents written by the Department of Justice's Office of Legal Counsel during the Bush Administration. The release includes two previously undisclosed OLC memoranda and seven previously undisclosed OLC opinions. According to the DOJ, "The two memoranda memorialized that certain legal...

Free Speech banner, an colorful graphic representation of a megaphone

Victims of Warner Censorship: Literal Videos

We've brought you several posts explaining Warner's unfortunate crusade to censor its music from YouTube videos, even when those activities would clearly qualify as fair use. Here's a concrete example: a YouTube creator that goes by the moniker Dust Films has pioneered a new parody video genre,...

"Open Access" Policies Threatened by Copyright Bill

Scientists who receive funding from the National Institutes of Health are required to make their research publicly available within 12 months after the research is published. This "open access" policy not only promotes free scientific communication and innovation, it strikes many as fundamentally fair. After all, shouldn't taxpayers have direct...

EFFector #500!

Since EFF was founded in 1990, we've seen digital technologies become increasingly central to our lives as citizens, consumers, creators, innovators and social beings. And over those nearly 19 years, EFF has been at the forefront of the fight to ensure that these new tools are used to enhance and...


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