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EFFecting Change Livestream Series: Is There Hope for Social Media?

Deeplinks Blog

Deeplinks Blog

European Union Flag with Circuit Board Background

Three Strikes, Three Countries: France, Japan and Sweden

The music and movie industries have been making a concerted attempt to introduce a "three strikes" rule for Net users in many countries simultaneously — pressuring ISPs to throw their customers offline, possibly permanently, if the rightsholders report that they have been infringing.
The response by national ISPs...

House Passes Bill with No Immunity for Phone Companies

Wow. This morning, the House stood up for our rights and passed a FISA reform bill with no retroactive immunity for phone companies! This is a flat-out rejection of the bill passed by the Senate last month, which would have let phone companies off the hook for illegally delivering innocent...

Privacy issue banner, a colorful graphical representation of a padlock

Advocacy Groups Urge Congress to Hold Fast Against Immunity

In light of new allegations of unusual and suspicious telecom systems, 34 prominent advocacy groups have signed a letter urging Congress to hold fast in defending against telecom immunity.
Citing a significant body of opposition to telecom immunity, including a letter from leaders from the House Energy and...


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