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EFFecting Change Livestream Series: Is There Hope for Social Media?

Deeplinks Blog

Deeplinks Blog

Copyright in Canada: No Longer Business As Usual

It's been a roller-coaster few weeks for digital rights activists in Canada. A few weeks ago, rumors began circulating that the current minority Conservative government was going to present a copyright reform act before the New Year.
Unlike previous reform attempts, this new law was preceded by no...

Senators Press Reid to Choose "No" on Telecom Immunity

Last month, the Senate Judiciary Committee passed a surveillance bill that did not grant immunity to lawbreaking telecoms. At the time, many predicted a bitter showdown, because a different congressional committee had previously passed a bill that granted immunity. That showdown begins now, as the Senate Majority Leader prepares...

Privacy issue banner, a colorful graphical representation of a padlock

Facebook Beacon Roundup: Data Collection Methods Still Troubling

Facebook was the the target of much criticism in recent weeks, thanks to the rapid spread of reports about Facebook's Beacon, a tool that allows third-party websites to send information about user activities back to Facebook.The controversy began when bloggers reported that their activity on certain non-Facebook sites was showing...

European Union Flag with Circuit Board Background

Music Industry Pressures EU Politicians for Filtered Internet

The music and film industry continues to pursue its idea of a politically "corrected" Internet - one that they imagine could protect their old business models without requiring any extra costs on their part.
This time, the fix is Internet-wide filtering. In a memo to European policy-makers, the International...

Free Speech banner, an colorful graphic representation of a megaphone

Between Friends: The Perils of Centralized Blogging

One of the paradoxes of current social software is how many of your closely-guarded secrets you are obliged to entrust to a third party. Take the social blogging site LiveJournal: its centralized server allows you to set blog posts to "friends only" or "private". To use this feature, you post...


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