EFF letter to Congress on DNS over HTTPS
EFF, Consumer Reports, and National Consumers League write to Congress in support of DNS over HTTPS and to respond to major ISP efforts to stop the deployment of DoH to protect their privacy invasive business practices.
Consumer Privacy Legislation Considerations
Libra One Pager
Consumer Privacy Legislation One Pager
Over 90% of Americans feel like they have no control over their data or their online privacy. Congress should be working to actively give...
Section 215 of the Patriot Act - Background and Questions
Section 215 of the USA PATRIOT Act sunsets on December 15, 2019 (in addition to two other PATRIOT Act provisions). Before lawmakers can decide whether to allow this provision to sunset entirely, to reauthorize the programs without changes, or to include reforms along with reauthorization,...
EFF One Pager on Cell Site Simulators
EFF overview of the issues associated with law enforcement's use of cell site simulators.