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EFFecting Change Livestream Series: Is There Hope for Social Media?

Deeplinks Blog

Deeplinks Blog

EFF Files Evidence in Motion to Stop AT&T's Dragnet Surveillance

Internal AT&ampT Documents Had Been Temporarily Held Back Due To Government's Concerns San Francisco - The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) on Wednesday filed the legal briefs and evidence supporting its motion for a preliminary injunction in its class-action lawsuit against AT&ampT. After asking EFF to hold back the documents so...

EFF Challenges Dangerous Patent on Internet Test-Taking

Illegitimate Patent Chills Distance Learning and University Education San Francisco - An extremely broad patent claiming to cover almost all methods of online testing is coming under fire today. has used this illegitimate patent to demand payments from universities with distance education programs that give tests online. However, a...

Citizens Lobby Congress for Reliable Electronic Voting

Hundreds Join EFF and Other Groups to Fight for Election Integrity San Francisco - Hundreds of citizen lobbyists from across the nation will be in Washington, DC, this coming Thursday and Friday, working to help secure the future of safe, reliable electronic voting through the passage of HR 550 --...

Bogus Clear Channel Patent May Be Revoked

Patent Office Orders Reexamination at EFF's Request San Francisco - At the request of the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF), the US Patent and Trademark Office (PTO) today agreed to reexamine an illegitimate patent held by Clear Channel Communications. The patent -- for a system and method of creating digital recordings...

Copyright v. Indexing, Part 1: TorrentSpy

A prediction: the world of copyright law is about to collide with the world of digital indexing and search, and the collision will be among the most important digital copyright issues of the next several years.
A few weeks ago, the major movie studios filed a lawsuit against...

AV Enthusiasts Hit Hard By DRM, Tech Mandates

In a terrific article at DesignTecnica, audio editor of Home Theater and the author of Practical Home Theater Mark Fleischmann has a stark warning for fellow "gadget lovers" looking forward to the newest crop of audio and video devices:
"What was once legal and "fair use" of existing...

EFF Motion in AT&T Surveillance Case Draws Government's Eye

DOJ Demands First Look at Documents It Claims Might Be Classified San Francisco - The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) filed a motion for a preliminary injunction in its class-action lawsuit against AT&ampT today. However, much of the evidence that was to be included in the motion—as well as the legal...
Free Speech banner, an colorful graphic representation of a megaphone

Hearing Set for Appeal in Key Bloggers' Rights Case

On April 20, a California Court of Appeal will hear arguments in Apple v. Does, a case with broad implications for all journalists. EFF is fighting to ensure that bloggers and other online writers get the same rights as offline journalists and can protect the confidentiality of their sources.


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