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EFFecting Change Livestream Series: Is There Hope for Social Media?

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Deeplinks Blog

Creativity and Innovation issue banner, a colorful graphical representation of a light bulb

Remixers, Unlockers, Jailbreakers, Oh My!

Yesterday, EFF filed petitions (1, 2) with the Copyright Office seeking DMCA exemptions for three categories of activities that do not violate copyright laws, but that are still jeopardized by the DMCA's ban on bypassing technical protection measures used to control access to copyrighted works (i.e, DRM)....

Copyright Office Should Right DMCA Wrongs in Rulemaking

San Francisco - The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) filed three exemption requests with the U.S. Copyright Office today aimed at protecting the important work of video remix artists, iPhone owners, and cell phone recyclers from legal threats under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA).
The DMCA prohibits "circumventing" digital... Content Now Under Creative Commons License

In the last few days, President-elect Obama's transition team took a significant stride towards a more open government by licensing the content of under a Creative Commons Attribution license. Using that license essentially means that the transition team is allowing others to freely share and remix what's posted...

EFF to Fight Against Telecom Immunity in Tuesday Hearing

San Francisco - On Tuesday, December 2, at 10 a.m., the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) will challenge the constitutionality of a federal law aimed at granting immunity to telecommunications companies participating in illegal domestic surveillance.
At Tuesday's hearing, EFF will argue that the flawed FISA Amendments Act (FAA) improperly...

A "Grey Hat" Guide for Security Researchers

In counseling computer security researchers, I have found the law to be a real obstacle to solving vulnerabilities. The muddy nature of the laws that regulate computers and code, coupled with a series of abusive lawsuits, gives researchers real reason to worry that they might be sued if they publish...

Google is Done Paying Silicon Valley's Legal Bills

[I wrote the following op-ed, which appeared in the Nov. 14 issue of The Recorder. Because that publication's website is not publicly available, I'm posting a copy here, with their permission.]For most of the decade, Silicon Valley technology startups have assumed that Google would pay their legal bills. Not literally,...

Privacy issue banner, a colorful graphical representation of a padlock

EFF Joins with Coalition to Provide Policy Roadmap to Next President and Congress

A coalition of more than 25 organizations, including EFF, yesterday released "Liberty and Security: Recommendations for the Next Administration and Congress", a comprehensive catalogue of policy recommendations on a range of critical civil liberties issues.
This collaboratively-created transition roadmap, coordinated by our friends at the Constitution Project,...

GQ and Saks Fifth Avenue Fundraiser for EFF in San Francisco

A Winter Preview Event co-hosted by media pioneer and 2007 GQ Man of the Year Chad Hurley and GQ Publisher Peter King Hunsinger in support of the Electronic Frontier Foundation
Thursday, November 20 from 6pm to 8pm
Saks Fifth Avenue Men’s Store


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