In our 576th issue:
The dangerous PROTECT IP Internet censorship bill (or PIPA) seeks to grant the government new powers to force ISPs and search engines to redirect or dump users' attempts to reach websites' URLs, all in the name of stopping websites "dedicated to infringing activities." Big media and its allies in Congress are billing the PROTECT IP Act as a new way to prevent online infringement, but Internet rights advocates know that PIPA would invite Internet security risks, threaten online speech, and hamper Internet innovation. Send an email now to urge legislators in Congress to reject this dangerous bill! Send an email now to urge your members of Congress to reject this dangerous bill!
Less than a week ago, EFF launched a campaign to encourage volunteers to run Tor relays. Tor is software that helps users mask their IP addresses; it's a vital tool for investigative journalists, whistle-blowers and humanitarian aid workers across the globe. Tor relies on a network of volunteer computers helping to route traffic in order to function - which means regular users can contribute.
When EFF launched the Tor Challenge, we hoped to add 100 new Tor nodes to the network - a small but important step in protecting online anonymity. We were thrilled to see over 100 new relays were launched within the first twenty-four hours of our campaign. We increased our goal to 250 - and two days later we surpassed that goal. Currently over 300 new relays have been created as part of our Tor Challenge.
"Every relay makes a difference to Tor in terms of speed and security. We thank EFF for their efforts to help more people protect their privacy, anonymity, and freedom of expression online," Karen Reilly of the Tor Project.
Ready to join EFF in defending online privacy? Visit EFF's Tor Challenge to find out how.
On June 3, EFF will begin live coverage of a critical discussion about online freedom of expression held by the U.N Human Rights Council during its session in Geneva. The meeting will include the introduction of a landmark report by United Nations Special Rapporteur Frank La Rue that advocates safeguards for free expression online including privacy and anonymity. Anonymity protects dissent by eliminating fear of reprisals and breaking the silence of self-censorship. It also plays a crucial role in environments hostile to journalism. Stay tuned to the Deeplinks blog for EFF's coverage of the fight for anonymity at the U.N.
A bill that just passed Calfiornia's State Senate would authorize law enforcement to search optical disc manufacturing plants without a warrant or even reasonable suspicion. This bill would grant sweeping new powers to law enforcement in violation of the Fourth Amendment rights of California businesses. For more than 200 years, law enforcement officers have been able to comply with the Fourth Amendment's warrant requirement and still do their job fighting crime. So why would California bend these rules when it comes to copyright enforcement?
EFF Updates
EFF Members-Only Speakeasy: Seattle
Join Senior Staff Attorney Marcia Hofmann for a drink on Thursday, June 16, in Seattle! EFF's Speakeasy events are free, informal gatherings that give you a chance to mingle with local members and meet the people behind the world's leading digital civil liberties organization.
Twitter, Free Speech, Super-Injunctions and the Streisand Effect
Despite a super injunction in place to keep his name and the story of his extra-marital affair out of the tabloids, a British footballer has found that where there’s the Internet, there’s a way...for the story to get out, that is. The recent super injunction highlighted the UK's need for intermediary protections like those offered under U.S. law.
EFF Files Petition Opposing Proposed AT&T/T-Mobile Merger
EFF filed a petition with the Department of Justice and the FCC asking the administration to deny AT&T Inc.’s proposed takeover of T-Mobile USA, based on concerns about the risk of non-neutral behavior as a result of decreased competition.
"Who Has Your Back" In Depth: Fighting For Users' Privacy Rights in Court
Continuing EFF's series related to our Who Has Your Back? campaign, we explore how we rate companies that go to court to fight for their users' privacy interests in response to government demands for information.
Syrian Internet Shutdown
According to Renesys, approximately two-thirds of all Syrian networks became unreachable from the global Internet on Friday of last week. Over the course of roughly half an hour, the routes to 40 of 59 networks were withdrawn from the global routing table.
Putting Fair Use Forward
Two professors at American University are on a mission to show how, under fair use, many scholars can use copyrighted material without breaking the law, even if they never ask the rights holders and even if they hope to profit from their resulting academic books.
Develop for Privacy Challenge
The deadline is fast approaching to submit your privacy-enhancing mobile app. Check out the contest today.
ISSN 1062-9424
EFFector is a publication of the Electronic Frontier Foundation.
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Parker Higgins, Activist
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Personal Democracy Forum
Jillian York, EFF's Director for International Freedom of Expression, will speak on the intersection of access and free expression.
Location: New York, NY
Date: June 6-7, 2011
OECD Working Party on Communication, Infrastructures and Services Policy
Katitza Rodriguez, EFF International Rights Director, will represent the Civil Society Information Society Advisory Council (CSISAC) at the OECD Working Party on Communication, Infrastructures and Services Policy (CISP). This is a closed meeting.
Location: Paris, France
Date: June 6-7, 2011
European Commission - Workshop on future options for data retention
Katitza Rodriguez, EFF International Rights Director, will represent EFF at the workshop on future options for data retention in the EU.
Location: Brussels, Belgium
Date: June 8, 2011
OECD Working Party on Information Security and Privacy
Katitza Rodriguez, EFF International Rights Director, will represent the Civil Society Information Society Advisory Council (CSISAC) at the OECD Working Party on Information Security and Privacy. This is a closed meeting.
Location: Brussels, Belgium
Date: June 9-10, 2011
Arab American Anti-Discrimination Committee Convention
EFF's Director for International Freedom of Expression Jillian York will speak on the Arab Spring, with particular focus on free expression at this year's ADC National Convention.
Location: Washington, DC
Date: June 10-12, 2011
Computers, Freedom and Privacy 2011
EFF's Director for International Freedom of Expression Jillian York, Senior Staff Attorney Lee Tien, and Activism Director Rainey Reitman will speak on panels at Computers Freedom and Privacy 2011. NOTE: CFP is looking for volunteers, who can then attend the conference for free.
Location: Washington, DC
Date: June 14-16, 2011
SOURCE Seattle 2011 - Hear EFF Staff Attorney Marcia Hofmann
EFF is a proud partner of SOURCE Security Conferences this year in Seattle. As an EFF supporter, you can receive a 10% discount on registration. Just use the code "SRCEFF11" on the form. EFF Senior Staff Attorney Marcia Hofmann is speaking on "The Latest Developments in Computer Crime Law" at Source Seattle this year.
Location: Seattle, WA
Date: June 15-16, 2011
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