Rainey Reitman, EFF activism director, will be speaking at an event to commemorate the 100-year anniversary of the San Diego Free Speech Fight. The event is hosted by the San Diego ACLU and the San Diego and Imperial Counties Labor Council. There will be music, speakers, and spoken word performances. The event will be held at the original site of the struggle, the intersection of 5th and E Street in downtown San Diego at 6 PM.
Rainey’s great grandfather, Ben Reitman and his lover Emma Goldman took part in the original Free Speech Fights in San Diego 100 years ago. Rainey will describe the anti-censorship battles her great grandfather faced in San Diego in 1912, and the current battle for free expression taking place online.
Learn more about the Free Speech Fights here: http://aftguild.org/free_speech/index.html
Event is free and open to the public. Register today.