A local digital rights community group in the Electronic Frontier Alliance (not EFF) will host this event:
The Digital Freedom Initiative will host the second iteration of an ongoing series of CryptoParties with our latest party featuring an introductory talk on digital security as well as a primer presentation on bot nets. Come join us and learn about the tools and technologies that are shaping our times as well as the concerns and issues and what we can do to confront them.
The party will feature our DFI HACKER LAB where you can take part in hands-on learning about hacking computer systems and defending yourself from cyber attack.
We will also have a station for setting up Tails Disks - an encrypted and memoryless Linux operating system that boots from a USB drive that allows you browse the Internet and communicate anonymously as well as have Encryption key signing for those interested.
After the presentations we will have a DJ set from Guapperia (Invite Only Radio), a live techno set from Mint Clad and visuals by Hivelike and Glacial Communications.
This event is free and open to adults 18 years and older.
Saturday, September 16, 2017
7:00pm - 12:00am
5203 Fleet Ave.
Cleveland, OH 44105