The Cypurr Collective, a local organization in theĀ Electronic Frontier Alliance (not EFF), will host this event:
CyPurr Social
From The Organizers:
It's a long winter so spend some time with Cypurr! We're bringing back our monthly social, less of a workshop, and more of an opportunity to hang out and meet folks and talk tech and stuff! We'll be using Jitsi Meet to make themed rooms where folks can discuss, share tips/resources, and play games. This is a free event, but please RSVP to get the Main Room Jitsi Link
Join us on February 12th at 7 PM, discussion topic and games TBA!
A note on Safer Spaces:
This is a new project for Cypurr, but our usual rules around Safer Spaces apply to this event:
- we will not tolerate any behavior intended to harass participants, or any language meant to demean attendees, or any actions that mean to promote ageism, ableism, homophobia, fatphobia, transphobia, sexism, racism, whorephobia, xenophobia, or any other historically oppressive system of marginalization. folks who cannot respect this policy will be asked to leave the space
- we ask folks to be aware of sharing space. we only have so much time to hang out, and we wanna make sure everyone feels like they have the space they need to ask a question, make a comment, or participate as they like
Saturday, February 12
7:00pm - 10:00pm (ET)
Online (Please RSVP to get the Main Room Jitsi Link)
This event is organized not by EFF, but by The Cypurr Collective, a grassroots group participating in the Electronic Frontier Alliance. The EFA is a network of grassroots organizations across the country committed to promoting digital rights. Together, we're building a movement to promote freedom of expression, privacy, security, creativity, and access to knowledge.