The Digital Services Act will transform how intermediary liability and online content governance operate in the EU—and will likely have far-reaching effects around the world. Civil society has been deeply engaged in advocacy around the DSA; by RightsCon, we will likely know the near-final form of the bill. But the project of ensuring that the DSA protects and promotes human rights will be far from over. This session will provide a space for experts and advocates from around the world to discuss the status of the Digital Services Act and the safeguards that may still be missing from the legislation. Advocates involved in the legislative debates will explain the remaining opportunities to influence the outcome of the DSA (including further amendments, the development of implementing regulations, or activity in the courts).
Facilitators and participants will exchange and develop joint strategies for advancing key principles and other safeguards in the remainder of the legislative process. Participants will also be invited to share their perspectives on how the model of the DSA might work in their countries. In breakout sessions, participants will discuss the opportunities they see, as well as the risks, of incorporating concepts and approaches from the DSA into their national legal frameworks. These discussions will give participants an opportunity to strategize about advocacy in their own regions and will help the global advocacy community discuss key messages and framing of the DSA to ensure it has a positive impact on human rights online, in the EU and beyond.
Host institution: Center for Democracy & Technology (CDT)
Please note: In order to ensure a more interactive, hands-on discussion, there is a cap of 60 participants on this community lab, which will be filled on a first-come, first served basis. The link to enter the waiting room for the session will be made available 5 minutes before the start time, and you will be notified by the technical moderator if you have been admitted. If all the seats are filled, no worries! There are plenty of other sessions and spaces in program for you to explore.