EFF-Austin, a local organization in the Electronic Frontier Alliance, (not EFF) will host this event:
Capturing Chaos: Harvesting Environmental Entropy
From the Organizers:
Much is made for the need for strong passwords and keys, but most cryptographic processes also require a source of entropy. While computers are excellent at doing what they're told, they suck at generating true randomness. Even when gathering high quality entropy, the pool can be quickly depleted with many processes invoking cryptographic functions in rapid succession. I will discuss why entropy is so important, give examples of randomness failures, and discuss techniques for generating high quality random values in low-cost embedded systems.
Our speaker this month is Carey Parker. Carey is the author of the book “Firewalls Don’t Stop Dragons: A Step-by-Step Guide to Computer Security and Privacy for Non-Techies”. He hosts a podcast of the same name, as well as a blog and a newsletter. He recently retired from a 28-year career in software engineering to focus on teaching others how to defend their digital devices and protect their personal data.
Talk will be livestreamed at https://www.youtube.com/user/austintechlive and will later be archived at https://www.youtube.com/user/effaustin. Questions for the speaker from virtual attendees may be submitted via the Youtube livestream chat, our Twitter account, @EFFaustin, or our Mastodon account, @effaustin.
Tuesday, May 14, 2024
7 pm – 9 pm CT
Capital Factory
701 Brazos Street Suite 150 · Austin, TX
Livestream: https://www.youtube.com/user/austintechlive
This event is organized not by EFF, but by EFF-Austin, a grassroots group participating in the Electronic Frontier Alliance. The EFA is a network of grassroots organizations across the country committed to promoting digital rights. Together, we're building a movement to promote freedom of expression, privacy, security, creativity, and access to knowledge.