Join EFF at DEF CON 25! We're excited to have some great talks on the DEF CON schedule, and a booth in the Vendor area. Check us out and find out about the latest developments in protecting digital freedom. You can even sign up as an EFF member at our Vendor booth and pick up some great swag!
Join the Cause
Find EFF in the Vendor Area in the Milano Ballroom of Caesar's Palace. We'll have information on the projects we're working on, and you can talk to us about the latest in online rights, get on our action alert list, or donate to become an EFF member. Our limited-edition DEF CON 25 shirt will be available, too!
EFF Talks and Panels
The Internet Already Knows I'm Pregnant
Track Four, Friday, July 28 at 17:00-17:45
Journalist Kashmir Hill and EFF Staff Technologist Cooper Quentin have taken a look at some of the privacy and security properties of over a dozen different fertility and pregnancy tracking apps. They'll be discussing the privacy issues that they discovered in many of the applications as well as some notable security flaws as well as a couple of interesting security features.
Panel - An Evening with EFF
Trevi Room, Friday night, July 28 at 20:00-22:00
Relax and enjoy in an evening lounge while you get the latest information about how the law is racing to catch up with technological change. Staffers on our panel include Kurt Opsahl, Deputy Executive Director and General Counsel at EFF; Nate Cardozo, Senior Staff Attorney; Eva Galperin, Director of Cyber security; and Kit Walsh, Staff Attorney.
$BIGNUM Steps Forward, $TRUMPNUM Steps Back: How Can We Tell if We're Winning?
Track Two, Saturday, July 29 at 10:00
EFF Special Advisor Cory Doctorow explores the essential question, which isn't, "Does the internet make us better or worse," it's: "HOW DO WE MAKE AN INTERNET THAT MAKES THE WORLD BETTER?" He discusses how to make the world better with code, but also with conversations, with businesses, with lawsuits and with laws.
Looking for Help?
As in past years, EFF staff attorneys will be present to help support the community. If you have legal concerns regarding an upcoming talk or sensitive infosec research that you are conducting at any time, please email Outline the basic issues and we will do our best to connect you with the resources you need.
Read more about EFF's work defending, offering legal counsel, and publicly advocating for technologists on our Coders' Rights Project page.