EFF is excited to be back in Atlanta, Georgia for DragonCon this year. We will be at a variety of panels and events over the course of weekend for the Electronic Frontiers Forum track, so be sure to check them out and say hi when you see us!
American Data Protection and Privacy Act
EFF Senior Legislative Activist - Hayley Tsukayama
Friday, September 2 at 11:30 AM | Room 313-314
This panel discusses the importance and implications of the recently introduced federal privacy bill. If passed, it would be the most significant expansion of civil rights law for the digital age and fundamentally alter the way U.S. companies conduct business.
The Government Surveillance Transparency Act and Other Legislative Solutions
EFF Deputy Executive Director and General Counsel - Kurt Opsahl
Friday, September 2 at 1:00 PM | Room 313-314
The proposed Government Surveillance Transparency Act gives surveilled parties the eventual right to learn that they were being surveilled, once any relevant investigations have been completed. Unfortunately, it has stalled in Congress. Are there any alternative proposals?
No More Facial Recognition for Facebook
EFF Senior Legislative Activist - Hayley Tsukayama
Friday, September 2 at 5:30 PM | Room 313-314
Meta has announced the end of the use of facial recognition on Facebook. Why did Facebook choose to do this, what might replace it, and what does this mean for our future ability to control our privacy when using social media?
EARN -IT 2022: The Threat to Encryption and Privacy
EFF Deputy Executive Director and General Counsel - Kurt Opsahl
Saturday, September 3 at 11:30 AM | Room 313-314
The "EARN-IT" Act was revived in 2022 with provisions that would undermine encryption and privacy protections, with government-mandated "backdoors" required to maintain the liability protections of Section 230. Why is this a threat to encryption and freedom of speech, and what can be done about it?
Social Media, Censorship, and the First Amendment
EFF Deputy Executive Director and General Counsel - Kurt Opsahl
Saturday, September 3 at 4:00 PM | Room 313-314
What right do social media companies have to censor speech deemed offensive or patently false, and what recourse do individuals have regarding blocking, banning, censorship, and shadow banning?
Hacking 101
EFF Deputy Executive Director and General Counsel - Kurt Opsahl
Saturday, September 3 at 8:30 PM | Room 313-314
Hacking 101 returns for another glorious year! Just what is a hacker anyway? Culture, history, contacts, resources, and pointers for more info.
Data Scraping: Clearview AI, HiQ, and Other Controversies
EFF Senior Legislative Activist - Hayley Tsukayama
Sunday, September 4 at 11:30 AM | Room 313-314
The ability to automatically scrape data available on the internet is highly valuable for independent research and innovation. The practice also carries significant risk of violating others' privacy or companies' TOS agreements. This panel discusses how the law has treated data scraping.
The Perils of Remote Exam Proctoring Software
EFF Senior Legislative Activist - Hayley Tsukayama
Sunday, September 4 at 1:00 PM | Room 313-314
During the COVID pandemic, there was an explosion in the use proctoring software for home learning. Schools and universities saw pushback from students. This panel will examine concerns identified by students and privacy experts, as well as the myth that youth do not care about their privacy.
Is Embarrassing a Public Official via Security Disclosures a Hacking Crime?
EFF Deputy Executive Director and General Counsel - Kurt Opsahl
Monday, September 5 at 1:00 PM | Room 313-314
Disclosures of security holes can be an embarrassment for private organizations, but can be even worse when government resources are involved. Should the government be able to use anti-hacking law to prevent discovery or disclosure of security lapses when the public interest is at stake?
Advocacy for the Long Term (How to Not Burn Out)
EFF Senior Legislative Activist - Hayley Tsukayama
Monday, September 5 at 2:30 PM | Room 313-314
Activism and advocacy can be all-consuming passions, but over time can lead to frustration, exhaustion, and despair, when the overall goals are not immediately in reach. We will discuss strategies for staying in the fight over the long haul.