Join EFF at the premier Free and Open Source Software conference in Southern California! Stop by our booth in the expo to learn about the latest in the online freedom movement. You can even donate to get some great swag or become an official member at special reduced levels while you're there! There has never been a more important time to ensure that our rights have a defender. We hope to see you there.
Get a 50% discount on SCALE admission when you use the registration promo code "EFF" today!
About SCALE 13x
The 13th annual Southern California Linux Expo takes place on Feb. 19-22, 2015, at the Hilton Los Angeles Airport hotel. As the first-of-the-year Linux and Free/Open Source Software (FOSS) expo in North America, SCALE 13x expects to host more than 100 exhibitors this year, along with nearly 130 sessions, tutorials, and special events.