September 19, 2015 - 7:30pm to 9:30pm PDT
Oakdale, CA

Join EFF Staff Technologist Noah Swartz, EFF Activist Nadia Kayyali, Open Whisper Systems developer Jake McGinty, and Marc Juul and Jenny Ryan, cofounders of Sudo Mesh / People’s Open Network, Hackerspace Sudo Room, and the Omni Oakland Commons for this exciting panel. The panel will cover a variety of exciting topics, all touching on privacy, surveillance, and how to empower yourself as a technology user:

  • All About the Modern Surveillance State: how to upset your favorite government three-letter agencies
  • Modern Third Party Internet Surveillance, privacy and how to protect yourself online
  • Mesh The Planet: Building community owned local internets
  • Street Level Surveillance: From drones to IMSI catchers to biometrics, domestic law enforcement is using ever more invasive technology. Learn what they’re doing and what you can do about it.

The panel will take place from 7:30-9:30 on the Alchemy Stage at Symbiosis Gathering. Symbiosis is a four-day long music, arts, and community education festival in Oakdale, CA. Tickets are available at the Symbiosis website.