June 8, 2022 - 5:45am PDT

Veridiana Alimonti, EFF's Latin America Senior Policy Analyst, is speaking on a panel discussing content moderation equity.

Moderate when it’s needed, not when it’s profitable: planting guideposts for content moderation equity
June 8, 2022 | 5:45 - 6:45am PDT

It has long been clear that major platforms invest fewer resources into content moderation for users in the Global Majority than North America and Europe. This leaves users exposed to a greater degree of disinformation and hate online, and also leaves them more vulnerable to arbitrary content restrictions. The Facebook Files documents, released in 2021 by Frances Haugen, offer hard evidence of this disparate treatment. The documents also shed light on another kind of inequity: platforms letting high-profile users everywhere violate rules they apply to the rest of us, in an effort to avoid confrontation and protect the profitable engagement these influencers bring.

How can we come together to address both kinds of unfairness? After examining case studies and transparency reports, participants will identify the dimensions of inequity in content moderation and develop indicators to measure it and track progress. Ranking Digital Rights will provide an indicator design method used in our corporate accountability ranking. In the last portion of the workshop, we will discuss what levers are available to use the data to effect improvements in both kinds of inequity.

Host institution: Ranking Digital Rights

Please note: In order to ensure a more interactive, hands-on discussion, there is a cap of 25 participants on this workshop, which will be filled on a first-come, first served basis. The link to enter the waiting room for the session will be made available 5 minutes before the start time, and you will be notified by the technical moderator if you have been admitted. If all the seats are filled, no worries! There are plenty of other sessions and spaces in program for you to explore.