EFF is a co-sponsor of The Dissidents, the Displaced, and the Outliers, a transbay visual art exhibition about housing security and digital privacy at Random Parts in Oakland and Incline Gallery in San Francisco. This digital security workshop is part of a series of events. For more information, check out the exhibition page.
It’s easy to succumb to privacy nihilism. That’s the idea that digital security and privacy are simply impossible. But that’s simply wrong. Better security and more privacy are possible. It is true that trying to protect yourself from 100% of the threats you face 100% of the time is a recipe for failure. But perfection is not the goal of digital security. Each person is faced with different threats—potential events that could undermine your efforts to defend your data. By determining what you need to protect and whom you need to protect it from, you can figure out how to counter the threats to your data.
The first step to good security is doing a threat modeling assessment. Using EFF's Surveillance Self-Defense materials, EFF Activist Nadia Kayyali will talk about some of the threats to your privacy and security, walk you through modeling your own threats, and give a basic overview of some of the most commonly used tools. Nadia will be joined by Jack Aponte of Palante Technology Cooperative. Jack also works with Liberating Ourselves Locally, a people-of-color-led, gender-diverse, queer and trans inclusive hacker/maker space in East Oakland that also provides digital security workshops for activists, and provides space and resources where community folks can learn, play, experiment, and hone their skills while working on projects that they love and enjoy.
Saturday, May 23
2-4pm @ Random Parts Gallery
1206 13th Avenue, Oakland, CA