Self Care for Online Activists
Being behind a computer screen can save you from the physical consequences of being an activist: but want about the mental effects?
For San Francisco's TA3M this month, we'll be discussing stories, resources and practical advice from the last few years of online activism. From filtering out the trolls and avoiding timezone jetlag, to dealing with visual PTSD, and ongoing global effects of the Syrian civil war.
Joining us will be security researcher Morgan Mayhem (@headhntr on Twitter), Laurie Penny (@pennyred) from the New Stateman and UK Guardian and co-author of Discordia: Six Nights in Crisis Athens, and EFF's own Director for International Freedom of Expression, Jillian York (@jilliancyork).
Plus: a round-up of new and ongoing projects, info on the Jeremy Hammond decision, and a chance to network with your fellow cryptographers, lawyers, coders, and other involved parties.
EFF's offices are at 815 Eddy St, SF, CA 94109. Please be punctual for 6PM -- if you arrive late, call x 118 from the door.