The RightsCon summit is making its way back to Silicon Valley March 3-5, opening its doors to human rights experts, engineers, government representatives, and other activists from around the globe who will discuss solutions to human rights challenges. As such, a number of EFF staff members are looking forward to attending and speaking at the three-day conference, which is hosted by our friends at Access.
While EFF encourages you to attend as many RightsCon events as you can, be sure to catch the following:
Monday, March 3, 3:30PM - 4:45PM: State of the Fight Against State-Sponsored Malware featuring Global Policy Analyst, Eva Galperin and Staff Attorney, Nate Cardozo
Monday, March 3, 5:00PM – 6:15PM: The Web Women Want featuring Director for International Freedom of Expression, Jillian C. York
Tuesday, March 4, 12:00PM – 1:15PM: Policy Laundering: Hacking the International Innovation Policy Machine featuring Intellectual Property Director, Corynne McSherry and Global Policy Analyst, Maira Sutton
Tuesday, March 4, 12:00PM – 1:15PM: Watching the Observers: The Impact of Surveillance on Human Rights Documentarians and Journalists featuring Global Policy Analyst, Eva Galperin
Tuesday, March 4, 4:00PM – 5:00PM: Toward Accountability: Reflecting on ICT Industry Action to Protect Users Rights featuring International Director, Danny O’Brien
Tuesday, March 4, 5:15PM – 6:15PM: Demonstrate and Disobey: Protest and Civil Disobedience On and Offline featuring Staff Attorney, Hanni Fakhoury
Wednesday, March 5, 9:00AM – 10:15AM: Competition, Consumers and Trolls: Why You Should Care About Patents featuring Senior Staff Attorney, Julie Samuels
Wednesday, March 5, 10:30AM – 11:45AM: Privatized Enforcement and Corporate Censorship: The Future of Freedom of Expression featuring Director for International Freedom of Expression, Jillian C. York
Wednesday, March 5, 10:30AM – 11:45AM: Securing Justice Safely: Documenting, Distributing, and Adjudicating on Digital Human Rights Data featuring Senior Staff Attorney, Kurt Opsahl
Wednesday, March 5, 2:30PM – 3:45PM: Uncontrolled Surveillance: Regulation and the Export Controls featuring International Director, Danny O’Brien
Wednesday, March 5, 4:00PM – 5:15PM: Fire the Lawyers, Hire the Engineers! – A Debate featuring Legal Director, Cindy Cohn
Wednesday, March 5, 4:00PM – 5:15PM: Location, Location, Location: What Rights Should we Have Against Pervasive Location Tracking? featuring Senior Staff Attorney, Jennifer Lynch and Senior Staff Technologist, Seth Schoen
Aside from the aforementioned events, many members of the EFF staff will be attending RightsCon so be sure to say “hello!”
Click here to find the complete RightsCon program schedule.