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EFFecting Change Livestream Series: Is There Hope for Social Media?

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EFF Files Suit for Answers About New International Air Passenger Data Deal

Department of Homeland Security Dodges Records' Disclosure Washington DC - The FLAG Project at the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) filed suit against the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) today, demanding information about a new agreement on the handling of air passenger data from flights between the European Union (EU) and...

Florida Voters to Sue for Re-vote in Sarasota Congressional Race

Press Conference Tuesday, November 21, 2006 by EFF, Voter Action, People For the American Way Foundation, the ACLU of Florida Tallahassee, FL - The Electronic Frontier Foundation, Voter Action, People For the American Way Foundation, and the ACLU of Florida will hold a press conference tomorrow to announce a lawsuit...
Transparency issue banner, a colorful graphic of a magnifying lens over some paper folders

Petition Urging Smithsonian Sunshine

Back in April 2006, it came to light that the Smithsonian Institution had signed an exclusive 30-year deal with Showtime to create a new cable channel. The catch? It effectively would give Showtime exclusive access to the Smithsonian collections for certain uses. Read our previous posts (1, 2,...

Sample Trolls Killing Hip Hop?

Columbia Law Professor Tim Wu identifies an emerging threat to sample-based creativity in hip hop, the "sample troll":
The rise of rap presented a golden opportunity for Bridgeport. After years of demanding fees, in 2001, Bridgeport launched nearly 500 counts of copyright infringement against more than 800 artists and...

Privacy issue banner, a colorful graphical representation of a padlock

First RFIDs, Now Fingerprints Used to Track Students in Schools

Despite complaints from privacy advocates and parents, schools in states across the country are considering using fingerprint scans to track students. Kids at Sandlapper Elementary in Columbia, South Carolina have their fingerprints scanned to pay for their breakfast and check out library books, while officials at the Hope Elementary School...

Privacy issue banner, a colorful graphical representation of a padlock

Sen. Specter Changing His Tune on FISA Court?

For the last several months, Senator Arlen Specter has pushed for legislation that could threaten vigorous judicial oversight of the NSA spying program by sweeping cases into the shadowy FISA court system. We have urged Specter to let cases proceed through the traditional court system, and, after several...


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